#147 Introduction into ESP32 with first tests: PWM, Servo, Web, Touch Sensors (Tutorial)

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Today, this channel will try to start into a new area: The area of the replacement of our beloved ESP8266 by the new ESP32. I invite you to join this journey. At the end of this video, you should be able to judge, if you want to order your first board (or take it out of your drawer)
• We checked the GPIOs out and discovered, that we have many more of them, and that they abandoned the Dx numbering scheme. So, we do not have to write our sketches differently for the different boards.
• Then, we looked at the different examples provided with the infrastructure. This will be stuff for many videos to come. Today, we tried PWM and it worked. We were able to generate a fading LED, steer a servo, and even create a primitive DAC with this function.
• Next, we tried a simple example to check, if the Wi-Fi really works. And it does. We learned, that we will have to change all our ESP8266 sketches if we want to port them to the ESP32.
• Then, I ported my NTP library to the ESP. With one small change, it worked and delivered accurate time also on the ESP32.
• At the end, we checked also the new touch pins, and, together with the PWM functionality from the beginning of the video, we're able to create a small instrument.

Attention: If your Arduino IDE is installed in the "Program file" area of Windows, you need to run "get.exe" as administrator.

An easier way to install ESP32 software: https://youtu.be/DgaKlh081tU
Arduino Core for ESP32: https://github.com/espressif/arduino-esp32

Board in this video:
WeMos® LOLIN32 Board http://bit.ly/2t2zXeW

Other ESP32 boards (from video #143):
TTGO ESP32 Module https://www.aliexpress.com/item/TTGO-ESP32-Dev-Module-WiFi-Bluetooth-4MB-Flash/32813561581.html
ESP32 (NodeMCU type) Board http://bit.ly/2sOMR3E
ESP32 Development Board (Yellow Pins) https://www.aliexpress.com/item/ESP32-Development-Board-WiFi-Bluetooth-Ultra-Low-Power-Consumption-Dual-Cores-ESP-32-ESP-32S-Board/32802136026.html
ESP32 X-Shield https://www.aliexpress.com/item/Lolin-ESP32-wemos-ESP32-WiFi-Modules-Bluetooth-Dual-ESP-32-ESP-32S-ESP8266/32807523301.html
ESP32 Lolin Board with LiPo https://www.aliexpress.com/item/WEMOS-LOLIN32-V1-0-0-wifi-bluetooth-board-based-ESP-32-4MB-FLASH/32814488554.html
ESP32 OLED Board http://bit.ly/2tosirM
ESP32 Board with 18650 https://www.aliexpress.com/item/WEMOS-WiFi-Bluetooth-Battery-ESP32-development-tool/32811429908.html
D1 mini ESP32 board https://www.aliexpress.com/item/MH-ET-LIVE-D1-mini-ESP32-ESP-32-WiFi-Bluetooth-Internet-of-Things-development-board-based/32816073234.html
WeMos Arduino like ESP32 Board http://bit.ly/2tUZVnC
Cheapest ESP32 board (source not tested by me): https://www.aliexpress.com/item/Lolin-ESP32-wemos-ESP32-WiFi-Modules-Bluetooth-Dual-ESP-32-ESP-32S-ESP8266/32804853522.html

WEMOS Official Store: http://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/jUzBiIq

Supporting Material and Blog Page: http://www.sensorsiot.org
Github: https://www.github.com/sensorsiot
If you want to support the channel and buy from Banggood use this link to start your shopping: https://bit.ly/2jAQEf4 (no additional charges for you)
Official Wemos Store: http://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/jUzBiIq

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