Creationism and evolution tackled head-on in science lessons | Guardian Investigations

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Creationism and evolution tackled head-on in science lessons | Guardian Investigations - Популярные видеоролики!

Creationism and evolution tackled head-on in science lessons

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Are some science teachers failing their pupils by not confronting creationist arguments when they come up during lessons on evolution? In this film presented by science journalist Dr Adam Rutherford made to mark the 150th anniversary of Darwin's Origin of Species in 2009 Prof Michael Reiss from the Institute of Education, University of London, said many science teachers felt uncomfortable talking about religion, but that refusing to engage with pupils who had creationist views would be counterproductive (a viewpoint that would later get him into trouble). Dr Jeremy Pritchard at the University of Birmingham, and London's Natural History Museum, explain how they are trying to redress the balance

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