The sounds of the Spring Forest during the Rain

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The sounds of nature during the rain and the beautiful view of the spring forest - what else could be better for relaxing.
When you look at trees with rustling foliage, a babbling stream and hear relaxing sounds from raindrops, birdsong, wind noise, you are transferred to a completely different world. Everything around becomes absolutely unimportant. Anxiety subsides and true relaxation sets in.

Try to combine watching this video with a hot bubble bath or a cup of coffee on a rocking chair. Spring awakening is what makes you think about the eternal. By closing your eyes and listening only to these sounds, you can plunge into the mystery of meditation.

Such a kind of soul therapy will certainly give lightness, help to calm down and will certainly cheer you up. Forest music is indispensable for sleep.
You can listen to it before going to bed or leave it on the player all night.

After complete relaxation, the body will be able to properly relax and recharge with positive. This will ensure a smile from the very early morning, which will be the key to a good day.
You can listen and watch the video at a time specially allotted for relaxation, or simply turn it on as a background while doing household chores.
Even during work, you can thus concentrate and improve your productivity.

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#whitenoise #rainsounds #nature #naturesounds #forestrain #relaxingrain

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