Lil Dicky - Mean Guys

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Lil Dicky   |   8 год. назад
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Lil Dicky - Mean Guys - Популярные видеоролики!

PENITH is here!!! Listen:

n addition to rapping, Lil Dicky is an aspiring comedian and model. Here's some footage for both his reel and your enjoyment. Madden 17!

What do you guys think? Could you see Lil Dicky in movies? Maybe they'll start calling him Dave just as much as Lil Dicky. Maybe he's the next Paul Rudd, or Miles Teller. But with Kanye West/Dwyane Wade's jawline. Who knows...Me? I'm just a guy he pays to type up his social media descriptions. Crazy application process, he really wants people that are super out there, have their own voices, yada yada yada. Hope I'm not overcompensating right now but I think this is what Dave hired me for. So i'm rollin with it. Have a good day.

PS. It was Dave the whole time

PPS don't you feel great about my future as an actor and model

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